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The Second Hospital of Jilin University Holds Meeting to Mark the Centenary of the Founding of the CPC and Honor Role Models

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In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, further enhance the fighting capacity and cohesion of community-level Party organizations, commend role models and set an example for others to follow, the Second Hospital of Jilin University held a grand meeting on the afternoon of June 30. All hospital leaders, members of the Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection Commission, middle-rank cadres, party members, and representatives of students and retirees attended the meeting, presided over by Zhao Wei, executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee.


All party members, wearing the Party emblem, sang the national anthem with pride and dignity, marking the opening of the meeting.


The first agenda is to honor those who have been Party members for 50 years or more and dedicated themselves to saving lives guided by the Norman Bethune’s noble spirit in their work. In order to remind Party members, especially the young ones of not forgetting their identity, fulfilling their obligations as Party members, and taking the senior Party members as role models, six senior Party members who have contributed greatly to the hospital development were invited as representatives of our 36 Party members who have served the Party for 50 years or more. They are Wang Kuizhong, Zhang Shoujie, Zhao Zuoguang, Hou Guangzeng, Chen Mingtian and Cui Yaqin. Liu Kexiang, secretary of the hospital’s Party Committee, awarded a commemorative medal to and took a group photo with them.



Wu Baichun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, read out the Decision of the Party Committee of the Second Hospital of Jilin University on Honoring Outstanding Party Members, Examplary Party Workers, and Advanced Community-Level Party Organizations in 2020-2021. The hospital’ leadership presented awards and extended congratulations to their representatives.


Wang Kuizhong, former secretary of the hospital’s Party Committee, led the probationary Party members to take the Party admission oath. All party members raised their right hands and recited the oath. The powerful oath demonstrated their resolve to follow the Party’s lead.

At the meeting, Kang Libo, a nurse from the Department of Intensive Care Medicine and also a representative who won in a speech contest about the battle against COVID-19, shared her stories in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, Jilin and Tonghua. Her touching stories showed that our faculty tackle tough issues head-on and treat patients as relatives under the leadership of the hospital Party Committee.


Secretary Liu Kexiang delivered a speech at the meeting. He said that in the past 100 years, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to the path that makes the country strong and the people rich, adding an inspiring chapter to history. He called for all the Party organizations and members reviewing the glorious Party history to build a firm belief, carrying on the fine tradition of the Party and drawing strength from within to forge ahead. He also called for in-depth study of Party history. He said that the Party Constitution and rules, and the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping are the fundamental guidelines for the hospital, and that all Party organizations and members should have the awareness of the need to maintain political integrity, stay true to the Party’s ideals and work in concerted efforts to speed up the development and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Secretary Liu Kexiang stressed that 2021 marks the centenary of the founding of the CPC and the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It is a critical year for the hospital’s new leadership to lead the whole hospital to break through the bottleneck and achieve rapid development. All Party organizations at various levels and Party members, and cadres should carry on fine tradition of the Party and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through hard work. They should continue to strengthen the awareness of the need to think in big-picture terms, focus on core tasks, take the initiative and get prepared to take actions. They should strive to be a standard bearer in promoting hospital reforms, development and stability, and focus on serving the public. They should always put public interests in the first place. The hospital Party organizations should practice strict self-governance to provide stronger political support. Efforts should be made to strengthen ideological and political building, develop cadre teams and grassroots organizations, improve Party conduct and build a clean government. The hospital should maintain a tough position on fighting corruption, severely punish those found violating laws and Party discipline, and strive to establish a system under which officials “don't dare to, are unable to and have no desire to commit acts of corruption”. Efforts should be made to promote role models, and encourage others to follow suit. Party organizations and members should get ready to be role models in assuming responsibilities, working hard and doing best. Party members must play a pioneering role, and middle-rank cadres in all sections and departments should firmly establish the awareness of living up to their responsibilities, and striving for excellence.


The meeting came to a solemn end in the tune of the Internationale.

As a saying goes, when you scale heights, you will know how tall the mountain is; when you set out on a new journey, you must stay resolved. Our hospital will take this occasion to carry out in-depth study of Party history, and forge ahead with high morale and hard work to overcome difficulties and make progress in achieving our development goals!