
Postgraduate Curriculum System

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The discipline aims to cultivate high-level talents with the innovative ability and international competitiveness in clinical medicine research and construct a curriculum system around basic knowledge of clinical medicine, specialized knowledge in discipline direction, and new progress in cutting-edge theories and technologies in the research field.

The postgraduate curriculum system has six modules: language curriculum module, humanities curriculum module, basic curriculum module, professional curriculum module, cross-curriculum module, and expansion curriculum module.

1. Language curriculum module: including public foreign languages and professional foreign languages. Its primary function is to improve the ability of graduate student to consult professional documents in foreign languages.

2. Humanities curriculum module: including Chinese Marxism and contemporary ideological trends, theoretical and practical research on socialism with Chinese characteristics, scientific ethics, and academic norms, Dialectics of Nature, so as to enhance the political literacy of graduate students and promote the construction of style of study.

3. Basic course module: including molecular biology theory, experimental zoology, molecular biology experimental technology, advanced immunological experimental technology, immunohistochemical technology, and laboratory safety and protection, laying a foundation for postgraduate follow-up study. Strengthen basic experimental technology training, keep pace with the times and master the latest scientific research methods, carry out morphological basic experimental technology training courses, immunology basic experimental technology training, experimental zoology and other courses, carry out various forms of academic exchanges and cooperation, including: hold various domestic and foreign academic conferences; maintain good international cooperation relations with many countries; establish the key laboratory platform of Ministry of Education to fund projects and open projects and others, so as to cultivate the interest of students in learning, develop the learning habit of paying attention to new research and new progress; establish the concept of lifelong learning, continue to improve themselves, have the courage to bring forth new ideas and continuously pursue excellence; set up the concept of advocating science, establish scientific thinking and develop a scientific attitude of seeking truth and being practical.

4. Professional curriculum module: including more than 30 disciplines such as cardiovascular disease diagnosis and technical treatment specifications and clinical progress, endocrine and metabolic disease diagnosis and treatment technical specifications and clinical progress, hematological disease diagnosis and treatment technical specifications and clinical progress, nephropathy diagnosis and treatment technical specifications and clinical progress, rheumatism disease diagnosis and treatment technical specifications and clinical progress, pediatrics diagnosis and treatment technical specifications and clinical progress, so as to enable graduate students to gradually cultivate the ability of clinical medical doctor to solve practical problems using knowledge and skills.

5. Expansion curriculum module: including the research progress of clinical medicine frontier, focusing on broadening the vision of graduate students and understanding the academic frontier at home and abroad.

In the teaching method, the "three combinations" are adopted, namely the combination of basic theory and discipline frontier, the combination of "the first classroom" and "the second classroom", and the combination of professional education and professional accomplishment.

At the same time, the teaching concept pays attention to "four full infiltrations". That is, Bethune spirit permeates the whole process, knowledge, skills, methods, and thinking permeates the whole process, professional ability, and ideological and moral character permeates the whole process.

In terms of academic training and clinical skills training, relying on the standardized training base for resident doctors, the national key clinical specialties and postdoctoral research stations for clinical medicine, and key laboratories at the provincial and ministerial levels, we actively build academic platforms, regularly conduct academic exchanges and lectures, and strengthen scientific research quality by taking advantage of the comprehensive university. We encourage and subsidize graduate students to participate in international academic conferences, short-term international visits, national academic seminars, doctoral forums and others, so as to broaden their academic horizons; actively participate in the "Elite Cup" academic achievement competition for graduate students, apply for the graduate student innovation research plan, the top-notch talent cultivation plan for medical doctor graduate students and others, and strengthen the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation consciousness, innovation ability and ability to independently preside over scientific research projects for graduate students /Events including the "Elite Cup" academic achievement competition,the innovation research plan, the top-notch talent cultivation plan for medical doctor graduate students and others, are specially organized to strengthen the cultivation of scientific and technological innovation consciousness, innovation ability and ability to independently preside over scientific research projects for graduate students; we encourage our students to make full use of school resources, cooperate with other colleges and research institutions in various ways, and build a cooperation platform.