
Curriculum Construction and Teaching Innovation

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1. Establish a curriculum system for training specialized clinical practice ability

Establish the combination of clinical and classroom, the comprehensive management of colleges and departments, cultivate the ability to comprehensively, systematically and correctly collect specialized medical history, standardize the writing of medical records, form specialized clinical thinking, and cultivate the ability of clinical practice and problem thinking. With the establishment of the combination of clinical and classroom and the comprehensive management of colleges and departments, abilities of students to comprehensively, systematically, and correctly collect specialized medical history, write standardize medical records and perform clinical practice are cultivated, together with specialized clinical thinking forming. The teaching mode of specialized courses is enriched with teaching rounds, case seminars, special lectures, small lectures, and other teaching activities. We also focus on training international exchange talents, strengthening professional foreign language training, and transporting international compound high-level technical talents.

2. Construction of case base

Advocate case-based teaching, invest a lot of workforce and funds, mobilize clinical teachers' positive initiative, and establish and perfect clinical medical case database. /Case-based teaching is advocated. To establish and perfect a clinical medical case database, many workforce and funds are invested in mobilizing clinical teachers. The construction of a clinical medical case database will further promote the change of postgraduate training concept and provide an important teaching and scientific research platform for improving postgraduate training quality. The premise of the development of case-based teaching is to have a large number of cases as support. The establishment and improvement of the case base (including various clinical medicine disciplines) is the premise for carrying out and promoting case-based teaching, making it an essential part of clinical practice skills teaching, and then gradually moving towards standardization and normalization.

The case base includes not only the descriptive text and the questions raised, but also multimedia materials such as specialized examination, imaging examination data, surgical images, follow-up pictures and others, so that students can have explicit sensory knowledge while observing, thinking and learning, understand and master them more easily. At the same time, it can consult the literature for each selected disease and provide a theoretical basis, and related progress for diagnosis and treatment/literature for each selected disease, theoretical basis, and related progress for diagnosis and treatment are accessible. For the selected case, the teaching team will discuss it, clarify the teaching purpose that needs to be achieved by applying the case, carefully design the problems, and import links in each link of case teaching/ each selected case will be discussed by the teaching team, clarifying the teaching purpose, with problems and import links carefully designed. It is applied to individual graduate students for practice, and according to the performance of students, it modifies the difficulty degree of the case and the expansion of thinking.

Through case studying, students analyze the medical history, clinical manifestations, and auxiliary examinations provided by clinicians, understand the diagnosis and treatment methods, cultivate their clinical thinking ability, and improve their ability to think independently and understand problems independently greatest extent.

In terms of curriculum (case base) construction, the case base construction is gradually established and improved according to the different research directions of professional degree postgraduates. The following results have been achieved: the establishment of the otorhinolaryngology case database, obstetrics and gynecology case database, dermatology and venereology case database, ophthalmology case database, internal medicine (respiratory direction) case database, surgery (orthopedic direction) case database. In line with the attitude of being responsible for postgraduate teaching, we have continuously accumulated medical and teaching practical experience, thus summarizing and extracting the essence from a large amount of clinical accumulation and forming excellent cases suitable for the discipline direction/being responsible for postgraduate teaching, we have summarized and extracted the essence from the continuous accumulation of clinical medicine and teaching practical experience, forming excellent cases suitable for the discipline direction.

3. Multidisciplinary cooperative teaching mode

The innovative teaching methods are traditional teaching modes such as "demonstration method" and "indoctrination method", which cultivate the innovative thinking of students and develop PBL teaching and network sharing mode with creative ability as the main. Establish a multidisciplinary cooperative teaching mode and build MDT diagnosis and treatment teaching team/The innovative teaching methods are based on traditional teaching modes such as "demonstration method" and "indoctrination method". In order to cultivate the innovative thinking of students, a PBL teaching and network sharing mode, a multidisciplinary cooperative teaching mode, and the MDT diagnosis and treatment teaching team are built. Realize the sharing of advanced teaching concepts, high-quality clinical teaching resources and students' innovative, practical activities. Advocating academic lectures, exchange of experiences, and academic discussions among different disciplines. Given the diagnosis and treatment methods and teaching methods that are not familiar with and good at in the specialized field, please give analysis and guidance to relevant specialties, gradually reduce the blind end of diagnosis and treatment and teaching, base on the specialized field, and improve the general practice knowledge system / With the exchange of advanced teaching concept and resources, students' practical activities and academic progress among different discipline., analysis and guidance in unfamiliar diagnosis, treatment, and teaching methods are given, which gradually reduces the blind end and improves the specialized field's general practice knowledge system.

4. Establish a supervision system for the whole process of postgraduate training.

A research and training supervision expert group was set up to supervise the whole process of postgraduate training. Specifically, it includes graduate student enrollment, professional course teaching, thesis opening, the mid-term examination of the thesis, pre-defense of degree theory, thesis defense, and others. Pay attention to the supervision and management of the training process, and timely feedback on the problems existing in the postgraduate training process; timely discover acceptable practices in the process of postgraduate training and promote them throughout the hospital/ under the supervision and management of the training process, the problems existing are timely reported and acceptable practices discovered will be promoted throughout the hospital.